Tag Archives: Nicolas Winding Refn

Ryan Gosling lost his way in “Lost River”

Ryan Gosling’s directorial debut has received a lot of vitriol from critics and bloggers. It’s currently sitting on Rotten Tomatoes with a whopping 29% from critics. When it debuted at Cannes, it was booed. (Also, what is up with Cannes audiences and their predisposition to booing?)

I’ve read review after review lamenting Gosling’s use homage-on-the-verge-of-plagiarism, his lack of distinct style, and his pandering the arthouse crowd. […]

Netflix Streaming: “Only God Forgives,” 2013 (Dir. by Nicolas Winding Refn)

Director, Nicolas Winding Refn, has received a lot of backlash for Only God Forgives – some deserved, some not so much. After the beloved Drive with Ryan Gosling as the ever-stoic bad boy, it seems that audiences were expecting a sequel or rehash of similar themes with Winding Refn’s most recent release. However this isn’t what we get with Only God Forgives, Gosling may be just as reticent as in Drive, but aside from that and the violence, the similarities end.